【雙語】你好!中國 | 遊長沙,從讀懂岳麓山开始

來源: 編輯:匿名 發表時間:2024-06-25 01:01:55 熱度:201

導讀: 岳麓山,“瀟湘八景”之首,海拔300.8米。夏季山林蔥鬱,秋季宜賞楓,四季皆是佳景。 Yuelu Mountain, the foremost of "Xiaoxiang's Eight Sceni...


Yuelu Mountain, the foremost of "Xiaoxiang's Eight Scenic Spots", stands at 300.8 meters above sea level. The mountain is lush and green in summer, perfect for maple viewing in autumn, and a beautiful sight year-round.


The Aiwan Pavilion, nestled on Yuelu Mountain and made famous by the poet Du Mu's line "Parking to enjoy the maple forest at dusk", is a must-visit for tourists in Changsha.


At the foot of Yuelu Mountain lies Yuelu Academy, one of China's four ancient academies. The academy features a layout with a central axis and multiple deep courtyards, exuding a rich scholarly atmosphere among the bricks, tiles, beams, and columns.


標題:【雙語】你好!中國 | 遊長沙,從讀懂岳麓山开始

