手工鞋類品牌Twisted X推出首個服裝系列

來源: 情報強企 發表時間:2023-12-15 16:25:50 熱度:20

導讀: 原標題:手工鞋類品牌Twisted X推出首個服裝系列 本文由定制化的企業情報智能服務平台——【情報強企】提供 標籤:#Healthy shoes 鞋類制造商Twisted X推出的首屆服裝系列包括...

原標題:手工鞋類品牌Twisted X推出首個服裝系列


標籤:#Healthy shoes

鞋類制造商Twisted X推出的首屆服裝系列包括一系列中性款產品,以該品牌的標志和西方設計風格爲特色。首席執行官普拉薩德·雷迪(Prasad Reddy)表示:“我喜歡消費者現在可以從頭到腳穿着Twisted X。

The inaugural apparel collection from footwear maker Twisted X includes a wide selection of unisex products featuring the brand's logo and western design flair. "I love that consumers can now comfortably dress from head-to-toe with Twisted X," said CEO Prasad Reddy.

Twisted X是一家以舒適技術和可持續發展理念而聞名的手工制鞋品牌,最近推出了一條新的品牌服裝线“迎合那些既欣賞時尚又欣賞功能的人”。

Twisted X, a handcrafted footwear brand known for its comfort tech and sustainability mindset, recently launched a new branded apparel line “catering to those who appreciate both fashion and function.”

這家總部位於迪凱特(Decatur)的品牌的首款服裝系列包括多種中性款產品,其中包括Twisted X的標志和西方設計風格。該系列包括七件T恤、兩件運動衫和兩件背心,尺寸從小到3XL不等。

The Decatur-based brand’s inaugural apparel collection includes a wide selection of unisex products featuring Twisted X’s logo and western design flair. The line includes seven T-shirts, two sweatshirts, and two vests in various “color stories” ranging from size small to 3XL.



Other branded items include hats and socks with “bold styles and fun patterns.”

首席執行官普拉薩德·雷迪(Prasad Reddy)在一份聲明中表示:“在Twisted X,我們一直在展望下一步的發展,我們很高興能夠通過品牌服裝實現產品多樣化。“這個系列中的每個人都有自己的特色,我喜歡現在消費者可以從頭到腳穿着Twisted X舒適。”

“At Twisted X, we’re always looking ahead to what’s next and we’re excited to diversify our product offerings with branded apparel,” CEO Prasad Reddy said in a statement. “There’s something for everyone in this collection, and I love that consumers can now comfortably dress from head-to-toe with Twisted X.”


The company says each piece in its new collection is “crafted using premium materialsthat deliverboth durability and comfort. With meticulous attention to detail and a focus on the latest western fashion trends, this collection is a true embodiment of the brand’s rich western heritage.”

Twisted X表示,該服裝目前與“全國各地的零售商”合作在網上和店內銷售。

The apparel is currently available online and in-store in partnership with “retailers across the country,” Twisted X said.

去年1月,Twisted X與位於沃思堡的庫克兒童醫療中心合作

Last January, Twisted X partnered with Cook Children’s Medical Center in Fort Worth

首席執行官雷迪(Reddy)去年1月表示,他的公司“致力於對我們所服務的社區產生積極影響”。當月,他的品牌與位於沃思堡的庫克兒童醫療中心(Cook Children’s Medical Center)合作,推出了Twisted X Cook兒童系列,其中包括Twisted X設計師Tuan Lee幫助醫療中心患者設計的四種獨特風格,證明了這一點。

CEO Reddy said last January that his company is “dedicated to making a positive impact on the community we serve.” He proved it that month when his brand partnered with Cook Children’s Medical Center in Fort Worth on the Twisted X Cook Children’s collection, including four unique styles designed by patients at the medical center, with the help of Twisted X Designer Tuan Lee.


Each pair was named after the young patient artist to embody “their dream pair of footwear to achieve a perfect balance of style and comfort in the form of a slip-on kick.”

Twisted X Global Brands是Twisted X、Twisted X Work、Tamarindo、Black Star Boots、Wrangler鞋類和CellSole的發源地。該公司以專利CellStretch舒適技術爲特色,爲生活方式、工作、戶外和西方類別的男性、女性和兒童創造“舒適的手工鞋”。

Twisted X Global Brands is the home of Twisted X, Twisted X Work, Tamarindo, Black Star Boots, Wrangler Footwear, and CellSole. The company creates “comfortable, handcrafted footwear” for men, women, and children across the lifestyle, work, outdoor, and Western categories featuring patented CellStretch comfort technology.


標題:手工鞋類品牌Twisted X推出首個服裝系列

