​Marco Polo's Trend Compendium 2014: Unveiling in Rome

來源: 我們和這個世界 發表時間:2023-11-19 08:25:47 熱度:74

導讀: 原標題:​Marco Polo's Trend Compendium 2014: Unveiling in Rome Rome,Italy – Marco Polo's Trend Compendi...

原標題:​Marco Polo's Trend Compendium 2014: Unveiling in Rome

Rome,Italy – Marco Polo's Trend Compendium 2024, organized by theSwiss Chinese Law Association (SCLA), an event celebratingSino-Italian brand collaborations, is set to take place on December 1and 2, 2023, at the iconic Piazza Venezia in Rome, Italy. Thisprestigious gathering is more than just an event; it's a convergenceof Italian elegance and Chinese vigor, designed to fostertransformative cross-border collaborations and offer unparalleledinsights into the evolving global market landscape.

Theevent symbolizes SCLA's commitment to fostering a platform whereentrepreneurs, public officials, and thought leaders can gainin-depth understanding of the evolving global market dynamics, with aspecial emphasis on the burgeoning Sino-Italian commercial synergy.SCLA's mission is to promote an exchange of cultural insights andlegal practices, creating a harmonious environment that supports andenhances international trade.

TheCompendium focuses on key areas crucial in the digital era, such asbrand protection and intellectual property, market entry legalenvironment, cross-cultural legal interactions, and more. Thesesessions aim to navigate the intricate legal interplay between Italyand China, particularly in the realms of trademark, patent, andcopyright laws, emphasizing the need for robust protections againstIP infringements.


Programhighlights include dynamic and collaborative sessions, fosteringprofound Sino-Italian networking and authentic dialogue. Theseinteractions are not just discussions but an opportunity to establishmeaningful connections with legal and industrial pioneers from Chinaand Italy. Additionally, attendees will have access to cutting-edgeSino-Italian research insights, presenting groundbreaking findingsfrom the legal and industrial sectors of both nations.

TheMarco Polo's Trend Compendium 2024 is set to be a gathering of notonly individual experts but also representatives from renownedinstitutions, enhancing the depth and scope of the event. Invitationshave been extended to ICLA Italy, Emerald Foundry, LawFed BRSA, andDella Rotonda & di Nuzzo, bringing their unique legal andcommercial expertise to the table. Corporations like Bosch andorganizations such as the EU-China Business Association and PekingUniversity HSBC Business School are also invited, contributing to therich tapestry of international business and academic insights. Legalinsights will be further enriched by the participation of Liangma LawFirm. The event will also see participation from significantgovernmental and trade bodies such as the Rome City Council'sInternational Relationship Directorate, ICE - Italian Trade Agency,the Ministry for Enterprises and Made in Italy, and the Rome Chamberof Commerce. The diplomatic angle will be represented by the Embassyof the PRC in Italy - Commercial Office, alongside various bilateralchambers of commerce and associations like the Chinese Chamber ofCommerce in Italy, Italian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, China-ItalyChamber of Commerce, Italy China Council Foundation, Italy-ChinaAssociation, Entrepreneurs' Association Italy-China, and ANGI –New Sino-Italian Generation Association, all bringing a wealth ofexperience in fostering Sino-Italian relations.

Esteemedspeakers include Bernardo Cartoni, Director of SCLA Rome Office;Philip Hackett, KC, SCLA Director of International Collaboration;Dominik Gałkowski, Managing Partner at Kubas Kos Gałkowski,Poland; Serena Silvestri of Studio Legale Silvestri; Daniela DellaRosa, Partner at Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle, Milan;Hermann Knott, Partner at Kunz Law, Germany; and many more fromvarious countries such as China, Spain, and Italy. These speakersbring diverse expertise and perspectives, contributing significantlyto the discourse on cross-border collaborations and legalframeworks.

Addingto this enriching experience, SCLA will conduct a "Meet YourExpert" session on Saturday, 2nd of December 2023, at theSheraton Hotel Parco de’ Medici. This session offers attendeespersonalized one-on-one consultations with eminent professionals,carefully selected by SCLA, for expert advice on investment,trade-related issues, and global commerce.

Theevent is jointly supported and co-operated by Silvestri Law Firm, YBWGlobal Network of Lawyers and Experts, Curtis Law Firm and BeijingJin’an Trend Co.Ltd.

ContactInformation: For more information on the event, please visit theMarco Polo Trends 2024 Annual Conference (Https://Rome.scla.world).

標題:​Marco Polo's Trend Compendium 2014: Unveiling in Rome

