意大利服裝品牌Ermanno Scervino(艾爾瑪諾·謝爾維諾)2024年早秋系列

來源: 時裝天堂 發表時間:2024-09-08 00:28:33 熱度:9

導讀: 意大利服裝品牌Ermanno Scervino(艾爾瑪諾·謝爾維諾)2024年早秋系列 高清圖片畫廊 Shapes, surfaces and colours. Calibrated shapes,...

意大利服裝品牌Ermanno Scervino(艾爾瑪諾·謝爾維諾)2024年早秋系列 高清圖片畫廊

Shapes, surfaces and colours. Calibrated shapes, three-dimensional surfaces, sumptuous colours. In the Prefall 2024/2025, Ermanno Scervino expresses his passion for proportions, special fabrics and workmanship, deep shades that enhance the richness of materials. Impalpable coats and jackets maintain a slightly egg-shaped silhouette, others are sculpted and marked at the waist. Tailored jackets are sleek, close-fitting, geometric like boxes; trousers, always masculine and abundant, never seem to end; shorts appear everywhere in the collection: under leopard-print leather trench coats, together with puffy, rounded cardigans, with silk bon ton shirts. Bustier dresses are sculpted and play with body shapes.

形狀、表面和顏色。精心設計的形狀、三維表面、華麗的色彩。在 2024/2025 早秋系列中,Ermanno Scervino 表達了他對比例、特殊面料和工藝的熱愛,深色色調增強了材料的豐富性。無形的外套和夾克保持略呈蛋形的輪廓,其他的則在腰部雕刻和標記。剪裁合身的夾克時尚、貼身,幾何形狀如盒子;褲子總是陽剛而豐富,似乎永無止境;短褲出現在該系列的任何地方:豹紋皮革風衣下,搭配蓬松圓潤的开衫,搭配絲綢襯衫。緊身胸衣連衣裙造型優美,與身材相得益彰。


In the collection, the fabrics and materials are never 'static' but: shiny, like the unusual, drooping corduroy, light satin and lacquered nappa; deep, like suede, quilted microfbra and denim-printed cady; shiny, like silver-sprayed barbed and black leather; mellow, like soft double melange and voluminous but light knitwear. The vitality of the materials increases when holes grow out of the surface of the double, when silk satin is,transformed into lace, when a raised foreal design emerges from the sleeves of coats. And the colours: dark brown, light blue, dusty pink, ivory, golden camel, pale grey and smoky grey, together with the leopard print, are designed to give thickness, luminosity, movement and vigour to the precious materials. Prefall 2024/2025 is a tale of high tailoring, in-depth research and clean elegance.

在該系列中,面料和材料從來都不是“靜態的”,而是:閃亮,如不尋常的下垂燈芯絨、淺色緞子和漆面納帕皮;深色,如絨面革、絎縫超細纖維和牛仔印花卡迪;閃亮,如噴銀的刺皮革和黑色皮革;柔和,如柔軟的雙層混色和寬松但輕盈的針織品。當雙層表面出現孔洞、絲緞變成蕾絲、大衣袖子上出現凸起的正面圖案時,材料的活力就會增加。而顏色:深棕色、淺藍色、暗粉色、象牙色、金駝色、淺灰色和煙灰色,加上豹紋,旨在爲珍貴的材料賦予厚度、亮度、動感和活力。2024/2025 早秋系列是一個關於高級剪裁、深入研究和幹淨優雅的故事。

標題:意大利服裝品牌Ermanno Scervino(艾爾瑪諾·謝爾維諾)2024年早秋系列

