
來源: 編輯:匿名 發表時間:2024-09-03 08:53:29 熱度:3

導讀: 四川這座寺廟居然有這么多好喫的(下) A Vegetarian Restaurant Hidden in a Temple 寶光寺僧人正在制作素食。 寶光寺景色。 當時的大寮僧廚中,有一位法號名叫達...


A Vegetarian Restaurant Hidden in a Temple




Consequently, a Buddhist chef whose given name was Dacong was specifically assigned to prepare vegetarian dishes in the abbot kitchen to serve Buddhist abbots and honored guests. In order to cater to honored guests accustomed to non-vegetarian meals, while adhering to monastic rules and disciplines, Chef Dacong revolutionized the cooking process. He adopted a method of cooking vegetarian meals the same way as non-vegetarian ones and giving them the appearance of meat, thus blazing a trail of “cooking vegetarian feasts bearing resemblance to meat” in Baoguang Temple.



In the early 1930s, the vegetarian fests of Baoguang Temple gained great fame and influence. In modern times, thanks to its chefs’masterful cooking techniques and widespread acclaim, Baoguang Temple vegetarian dishes have garnered large crowds of fans. Attracted by Baoguang Temple’s reputation, a slew of visitors flock to this ancient temple, not only for its history and culture, but also for its renowned vegetarian meals.


It has long been the custom of Chinese people to consume vegetarian dishes on the first and fifteenth days of the Chinese New Year, aligning with Buddhist principles of self-cultivation and meditation through vegetarianism. However, obsessed with varied flavors, Sichuan locals always innovate bland vegetarian dishes with varying methods, developing them into delicacies with a spicy taste and meat-like aromas!

中文作者:華西都市報-封面新聞記者羅田怡 陳光旭 紀陳傑

英文作者:四川國際傳播中心記者 劉動

攝影 陳光旭 紀陳傑


